
Please excuse the indulgence, but current events led me to want to watch this one again.

DDC at Orange

It was a buh-last playing for all those nice folks on Friday! The evening was a success. I’d like to that the Showboys and the Fills for playing before us and captivating the audience. Also I’d like to that Orange for having us. I’d like to thank the neighbors for not calling the cops even though we left the door open; it was a tiny room, boy, was it a hot night–in Dresden terms. And most of all, I want to thank all the cool folks who came, cheered, danced, patronized our illegal bar, got sexy, and simply made the whole affair worthwhile.

For y’all who missed it, and for those who’d like to reminisce, here’s the whole DDC set uncut (runs approx. 2:05).

Look behind you!

Stop me if you’ve heard this one…

A bitter, cursed comedian waits under cover of darkness in a rowboat on the water beneath a roadside inn. He’s paid the innkeeper to murder the comedian’s employer, a privileged womanizer whose wandering eye noticed the comedian’s daughter.

Finally, without a word, a sack drops through the floor and into the boat. Before dumping the the cadaver of his despised lord in the river, the allows himself one last look at the face of the man. There, he discovers not the face of the man, but of his own daughter. Now finally does the comedian understand the nature of his curse.

That’s the end of Rigoletto. It never fails to make my skin crawl.

Encore, and blessed news

Although I’ve known about it for a few weeks, I officially got the go-ahead yesterday to most gladly announce that my band mates Tini and Stephan are getting married. I’ve known the two of them for just a few short months, my time with the band, but they have known each other since elementary school and have been living in sweet sexy sin for several years now. I’ve rarely known such a couple of fools to be so well made for one another and it brings a ray of warm sunshine to my heart to know that they will soon boldly and eagerly take the next step. The ceremony is set for July 9th.