[Previous entry: "Chilly Willy"] [Main Index] [Next entry: "This Machine Kills Fascists"] 07/11/2003 Entry: "Reading comprehension results" Wanna see the answers to last weeks reading comprehension tests? Click on "more". If not, then its more lifters for you, pal. It's always a real treat to sit down and grade a hundred tests, particularly when you yourself thought up the questions. Writing good test questions is hard, man. After all, that's why those standardized tests involve enormous panels of knowlegable stiffs to poke and sniff every single question submitted by the hundreds and hundreds of educators who yearn to write just one time a question good enough to be included in said tests. Anyways, I thinks I'll have my L1 kids try them out on monday so as to have one more frame o' reference before adjusting the curve.
Let's see here... The texts we used were--how predictable--from Wired Magazine. They can be viewed online here: |