Boppob Babbop
I was glad to hear from Gero that little Matthis (age 18 mo.s) likes his stuffed animal. He’s named him Bobbop.
I need to go visit my friends with children more often, I’ve got way too many stuffies at my place.
I was glad to hear from Gero that little Matthis (age 18 mo.s) likes his stuffed animal. He’s named him Bobbop.
I need to go visit my friends with children more often, I’ve got way too many stuffies at my place.
Have a nice week off from the Uni.
PC Pool
here’s what we have for today
Robert Brower is a pal of mine and he used to run a BBS as a lad. Watch this interview and then answer these questions:
1) What does BBS stand for?
2) Describe Robert’s first modem.
3) Why was is it problematic?
4) What was his first computer?
5) What sort of games did he play on his computer? Name one.
6) What was the first programming language that Robert learned?
7) Why did Robert expand his computer? Give specific details.
8) What was offered on his BBS
9) What was his BBS called?
10) Describe how his BBS communicated with other networks.
11) How large were downloads back then?
Try playing Zork online. Register on the site to save your game.
2) Dungeon Man
Zork might take a while to solve, but you could also try the parody Dungeon Man. You should be able to finish it by the end of class.
Because it’s always updated: Engrish dot Com