
New studies show that native speakers of Mandarin use both sides of the brain while listening to Mandarin, while native speakers of English listen with only one hemisphere.

1) What are some possible explanations for this phenomenon?

2) How could the field of medicine benefit from these new findings?

Some more of that some more

Seems that the most written about tech topic for the weekend was the one about the RIAA going after file sharers, which is too bad because I am getting a little tired of reading about that kind of stuff as of late. But it’s the token potential material for today.

Garden gnomes, on the other hand, now that’s good reading.

Planning on taking a trip to the states this Summer? Don’t waste your time bar crawling in Manhattan. Pick out a few “castles” to visit, or go to a tilthouse before they all vanish.

Another online ref.

America is, after all, a very beautiful land full of aesthetically awe-inspiring culture.


Boilerplate, as mentioned today in class.

K is for Steak.

Don’t be too surpised if they start serving ‘roo steaks again in the Mensa…

Deformed puppy walks like a human. Don’t eat anything while watching the video.

Happy birthday to George Orwell. He would be 100 today.
Thursdee is the 40th aniversary of JFK’s visit to Berlin.

Apple G-fi’

Apple G5 unveiled. Article complete with crappy pictures.

And elsewhere…
Alternate Internet Universe. Not as interesting as it would seem, but nevertheless interesting enough.

Homestarrunner Interview

Listen to and read part of the transcript of an interview with the Brothers Chaps and Missy, creators of Homestarrunner, which is a fantastic little online cartoon world.

Thanks again Toph.

Gasface – 3rd Bass

As mayor of my own little world, I hereby proclaim this day to be Gas Face Victims’ Day.

Thanks to for the jams, and for having such a fun online show to listen to.

I seem to stand corrected. Apparently that thesaurus is not Flash, but straight up Java magic.

Don’t throw your cat out the window.

Woody Allen said, (I believe in “Sleeper”) “I’m like a cat; I always land on all fours,” thus inadvertently altering the meaning of the expression. But it does nonetheless seem to be true that cats can survive really really high falls, according to these readers of New Scientist. That does not, however, mean that you should test it out.

The Visual Thesaurus is … a thesaurus.
But it employs a crazy tricked-out Flash actionscript-powered navigation remeniscent of . It’s sweet.
Thanks to Topher Seezen for the link.

Today on my way to the laundrymat, I saw a streetcar waiting at the light. No, not the 45 meter long one I mentioned last week in class, nor was it one with tinted windows and a wetbar in the press-conference section as I would envision some kind of Dresdnor Cidizen G??ne would have. But along the length of the left side of the tram were these words: “Heartfelt greetings– You are riding in Dresden’s 60th streetcar!”
“You” was capitalized, so you know they meant “you” and not “they”.
I am much too small to have a decal of my own as to answer the tram’s said greeting, so I just said to the streetcar, “no, I am not”. I was, indeed, not riding in any streetcar at the time. I was walking down the sidewalk. Furthermore, I said that the decal was on the left side, where there are no doors. It was as if the train was taunting me. Schadenfreude is the word we use for that kind of thing in English because we don’t have a word for that.

I was nevertheless shocked and appalled, so I first tried to find some way to rationalize my way out of the fact that the tram actually enjoyed that I had to schlepp my oversized dufflebag of dirty laundry all the way down to the salon, several hundred meters yonder. So I thought:

Frist, Maybe I really just mistook the capitalization. “Welcome! They are riding Dresden’s 60th tram!”
That couldn’t be right, though. It doesn’t interest me what people inside the streetcar are doing. And it would also underscore my non-inclusion of the privilege of riding along ol’ number 60. DVB can be so cruel…

But I should mention that I am loosly translating here, as there is no continuous tense in German. So, “you ride” could mean “you are riding” in some contexts, but it can also mean “you will ride”.
That would make sense as to why it was printed on the non-door side. You will ride streetcar number 6-0 when it comes back the other way in about 30 minutes. If it were on the door side, though, it would have to say that you are about to ride the 60th streetcar Dresden has ever known.

That, of course, would make the decal words too long, so then you would have to bring in that 45 meter long streetcar. Then you could put up a decall saying “you would be about to be riding Dresden’s 60th streetcar, but this sentence is much too long so we had to put it on me, the only 45 meter long streetcar in the world. Hop in, pardner!” The last sentence would of course would only be added in case of some kind of Karl May Tage tie-in.

Full of it

Bullfighter is a program that basically flags vague puffy business-speak. You can download it yourself.