Today’s Weather:
Cold as a witch’s tit in a brass bra doing pushups in snow (-13 C)
So I’ve switched over to burning more wood than coal for the time being. My little Allesbrenner gets hot fast, but –or so I’ve read– loses half the heat straight up the “chimbley”.
Wood burns up much faster than coal, maybe fifty times faster even, but the upside is that it burns much hotter. Adding too much coal to a nice hardwoody fire is almost like a waste of coal altogether. And even as cold as it is outside, a woodfire just seems so nice. The heat radiates better at once and seems to linger longer in the air.
The Kachelofen heats much more efficiently. Unfortunately, {{popup oven1.jpg oven1 662×1432}}the one in the living room is out of commission until the oven repairman is back from vacation. The downside of that is that rehearsals are a might chilly; even after preheating the room for hours with a 2000 watt radiator. The upside is that my roomate is staying somewhere else in the meantime, so I can go into his room and try on his clothes without fear of being caught. And presumably the rent is cheaper until it gets fixed.
Biking down to the TU was a lovely experience this morning. The Elbe is swarming with beautiful icefloes. Standing on the Prague-side of the bridge, you can listen to them crunch against the stone arches. Then I ate it on the way home. That is, I brashly decided to try to pedal hard uphill on an icy slope just for the sake of spinning my wheels. Then, the sky was below me, the hard ice above me, and my dynamo fell off. “Goodness” said and elderly man to his elderly wife about 35 meters away, “he like totally busted his ass.” I could hear them quite well because they were rather old. I jumped up and proclaimed, “I’m okay!” and he said something like, “dude, be more careful, like, bro.”
Which brought me to the purchase of a new dynamo, and I’m glad I finally shelled out the four bucks. I was having so much trouble getting the old one to work properly, and now the difference is like night and day –albeit not quite literally, ha– seeing as the new one works like a charm. There is something magical indeed about making a lamp light up not with a battery but with ones own physical exertions, especially when it is so late and you are so far from home.