ooh shiny
"I think it has caught the particular imagination of Americans," Tench said. "To have a British, staid High Court judge encrypt a judgment in this manner, it's jolly fun."
Oooh … shiny…
"I think it has caught the particular imagination of Americans," Tench said. "To have a British, staid High Court judge encrypt a judgment in this manner, it's jolly fun."
Oooh … shiny…
First batch of L2 scans available at link below.
Scans for L1 students. Some of you guys should already have these. As for the rest of you, print ’em up and bring ’em to class.
Also, let me know how they look on paper. Are they legible enough?
L2 students stay tuned for scannination very soon.
It begs to be recorded
Julie’s roommate Andr? is petsitting his parents’ dog, Nelly. She’s a thirteen year old westie, and completely schizophrenic.
She loves-and constantly begs- to be pet, but the moment anyone anyone looks directly at her she snarls and even bites.
Julie has figured this out and they get along swimmingly, but everytime Nelly comes to me with tail a-wagging she changes her mind and tries to kill me instead.
I’ve got to get some video footage before it’s too late. Everyone loves her but still can’t wait for her to kick the bucket.
In other news I’ll be working as an interpreter for a couple of days. It’s for a painting class, but more technical stuff using building and wall paints. The corridors and stairwells leading to the studio are covered with decorative paintwork, anything from faux stone texture, tromp l’oeil, to imitations of great portraits and whatnot. Every corner and panel painted in an explosion of variety. It looks like from a dream. I should get a picture of that to complement the vast Hall of Toilets from earlier…
Reading in an F-shaped pattern, are we?
The lesson here is to bury the bad stuff in the bottom right.
New software should allow laptop users to surf offline with their web on a hard drive technology. I don’t know.
problem solved : my class scheduled for monday, 7. DS will continue at its regularly scheduled time. See you in two weeks you litttle monkeys.
For those of you stateside, I might recommend checking out Ten Days on the History Channel next week. They cover ten nasty, formative moments in US history.
Antietam, Scopes Trial, Letter from Einstein, and the Day of Freedom being the ones I’d most like to see, all of them seem very interesting.
(Hint: if you want to watch the online videos, try clicking on “click to play” twice and you should skip over that gawd-awful Mastercard fratboy shtick.)
Hey I can see my house from here
Thomas, my wayward upstairs neighbor IMed me the news that Google Earth has upped the resolution in Germany. As tickled as I was, we both still agreed it is an old image of our house — I reckon about two girlfriends ago. The damning evidence is the telltale yellow lids of the recyclables bins; they were set beneath my computer room window, whereas they’ve been standing on the other side of the garden now for maybe three years.
heme.kmz (0k file)