Even Better than Wings
Wing hails originally from Hong Kong but moved with her family to New Zealand ten years ago.
She’s been taking singing lessons and performs in hospitals and nursing homes. And she’s got a number of albums out there. Dancing Queen is a fine example of her work. It’s a fun track.
While she probably won’t have a hit on the charts any time soon, she has generated a lot of interest on the internet, and I believe in some way has brought a little bit of joy to many people. To the world of music she is akin to what Rudy was to Notre Dame football. So, I’d say she pretty much embodies everything that’s wonderful in music–that thing that made all of us musician cats simply have to take up an instrument.
In her own words, “I have worked hard and I hope you have all found I am improving.
Thank you for all who supports me helping me very much as I go along. “
Ohhh, bless her little heart.