no such thing in the English language as a Basecap.
It’s called at baseball cap, which can also be called a ball cap.
And it is 50 years old this month.
no such thing in the English language as a Basecap.
It’s called at baseball cap, which can also be called a ball cap.
And it is 50 years old this month.
Ustjay ikelay esterdayay, erehay areway omesay examplesway orfay odaytay’s assclay iscussionday:
Igpay Atinlay anslatortray in php
Mobiles! (Mo-beel)
Because of the little capriccio in the lesson plan in my 3rd lesson today, I thought I’d follow up on the topic of the imaginary web page web were building: mobiles.
First of all, and .com are taken. But wasn’t. So nyaaa.
It was not hard to find websites about mobiles, but the first thing that I found on goog was actually for a gallery in Mobile Alabama (mo-bee-yull, that is).
And you know, I learned something. Apparently, mobiles hang from the ceiling; stabiles (stay-beel) are stand alones that can stand on the floor or a table, or even be the table. Both, however, have moving bits.
So I made a short list below:
I viddied the flick KB V 2 last week. I enjoyed it very much.
Here is a little something about the historical Pei Mei, but I found it here on the internet.
According to one trivia listing, he was played buy Gordon Liu, who also played the general of the Crazy Eighty-Eight.
Said actor has a resume as long as your arm.
It seems odd, but having looked at the photos from last Sunday’s Easter brunch, I am amazed to see how big Little Wee has gotten.
Although it is weeks removed from being news, this one states that
Spain to pull out.
Even Kerry voiced disapproval. And I suppose the dismay is not completely without merit. But it cannot be denied: this is representative government.
Okay. I’ve gone to all of my bosses and have some new information regarding Z1 etc. Some of what I said before was wrong.
I am the Liper, I have come to lick your Lindows.
Linspire will now be the name of the OS formally known as Lindows.
Let a life, Lill. When your product gets to the point that it is so present in the everyday, all the king’s horses and all the king’s lawyers will not be able to do anything about it. Face it, Sister. Those Lindash guys are going to do whatever they are going to do with or with out the snappy product name. Litigation only makes y’all look bad.
So luck my lick.
Hey stylesheet stylesheet stylesheet stylesheet stylesheet stylesheet stylesheet stylesheet… CASCADE!
Damn.. Didn’t work. I’ve been tooling around a bit with CSS lately, but I ain’t got no booklearnin’. These things take time.
Class was a daisy today. One student sported a shirt with a message demanding fallatio, but with certain letters substituted with numbers ala haxorsprach. I asked him if his mother knew about that shirt. He said his mom bought it for him.
I hate it when hack journalists start off their articles by saying that they find it funny or crazy or whatever when so-and-so does this and that. But dig: This month’s Sax–the Saxon culture mag has this on their cover of the mag. Recognize that chick? You should. She’s been all over the web since like three years or so. I fell in love with her quite a while back when the Onion used her for this funny lil bit of satire.