xams slam
Got them exams graded
Which was no big deal; it only took me five minutes. Nonetheless, be sure to get yerself on down to class this week for your Teilnahmescheins.
The stuffed army grows. The one on the left remains yet unnamed but was created for Jesse and Maria’s twerp Noah, born last October. Stay tuned for more characters.
In the meantime, how to sew your own Lil’ Satan
The new sewing machine is working out swell. After being prodded enough by friends who really don’t know what they’re talking about, I’m taking their poorly thought-out advice and putting stuffed creatures up for sale. Right now, they are available exclusively at Blue Child in the Kunsthofpassage.
Are they hard to make, you might ask? No, not these ones; it just takes a little time is all. What kind of jackass would film himself in time lapse to demonstrate this point? This one.
If I get the connection issues worked out between mister camcorder and mister laptop, I’ll hopefully have a nother one ready soon, the making of lil Satan.
But I really should get out into the mild weather while it lasts; this winter has indeed been a coy little B-I-double hockey sticks.
1.Why will Apple never make a PDA?
2.What difficulties might Apple have in naming their new product ?iPhone??
3.Why didn’t they call Apple TV ?iTV??
4.Read the part that starts with ?Some months ago my wife nudged me …?. What relevance does this anecdote bear on this text?
5.How does the author of this text interpret the meaning of the iphone ?naming fiasco?? That is, to what purpose is it?
6.How did apple ?hobble? the iPhone?
7.What is EDGE?
8.Why will the iPhone not support the 3G network?
1)Who is Mossberg?
2)Where is he calling from?
3)What kind of phone does he own?
4)What features does he name as what makes the iphone ?radical? and ?revolutionary??
5)What is the most remarkable thing about the Iphone?
6)When does the Iphone go on sale?
7)How much will it cost?
8)With which products will the Iphone compete?
9)What downsides does he mention?
10)What other news did Jobs announce?
11)Name the three callers.
12)What were their questions and the short answers to their questions, respectively?
File under F for freaky stuff you learn from your students.
Mr B’s girlfriend’s first husband was a nuclear physicist working the the Soviet Union. That’s how she met Mongolia’s ambassador to Germany; he studied in the GDR and was also a physicist in the Soviet Union in the same town as her then-husband.
The Ambassador lives in Berlin in a tent made of thick camel fleece. Mr B’s girlfriend is going to Berlin to visit him this weekend, pictures of the tent have been promised. Check back on Thursday.
Also, the Swiss German word for chicken is “Mistkratzerli”, literally manure scratcher. Soup’s on.