stupid kids
According to the USA today, 1 in three US students is retahded.
According to the USA today, 1 in three US students is retahded.
Z1 times and themes
Okay monkeys, here’s the dope thereupon:
This is interesting:
upscale neighborhood has been ruined by incessant traffic, local
authorities [in London's Museumland neighborhood] are planning to unveil
a radical solution Monday: remove the conventional insignia of the road
- traffic lights, white lines, guardrails, sidewalks - and create a
single "shared space" for everyone, motorized or not.
At first glance, the idea seems a little reckless. After all, it is only
the presence of the crossing signals on Exhibition Road that seems to
keep the bewildered, stray tourists from a nasty accident. And
governments the world over have long since concluded that the safest way
to avoid catastrophe on the roads is to segregate vehicles from
AMERICAN PROGRESS - A top Chinese economist, Fan Gang, says his country,
which finances a large portion of America's debt, has "lost faith in the
stability of the U.S. dollar" and will begin investing in a "more
flexible basket" of currencies. The announcement comes as a result of. .
. fiscal policies which are leading the dollar towards a dangerous "free
fall" that could imperil the U.S. economy. "The U.S. dollar is no longer
- in our opinion is no longer - (seen) as a stable currency, and is
devaluating all the time, and that's putting troubles all the time," Fan
said. The dollar "hit a new low in December against the euro and has
been falling against other major currencies on concerns about the
ever-growing U.S. trade and budget deficits."
IT’s Harvey Pekar Appreciation Day at the Choppin’ Blog.
Harvey is the all-American anti-hero. He is best known for his long-running auto-biographical comic book, American Splendor, which was the basis for the 2003 Cannes award winning film of the same name.
In his comics, he details the mundane minutiae of Our Man, your basic blue-collar nudnik a-workin’ his crappy fileclerk job, scraping together bucks for his jazz LP collection, living off a steady diet of peanut butter and soda.
He doesn’t draw himself; he writes a script and blocks it out in frames with stick figures. The actual illustration has been done by the likes of R. Crumb and many other baddass artists.
Anyhoo, here’s a coupla audio things with Harvey. An interview on On Point (ca.9 min). And a conversation on Wad’ya Know? (at 11 minutes).
To mark the birthday of Lewis Carroll, here’s The Hunting of the Snark: an Agony in Eight Fits. Very funny.
The answer is “C”. It seems counter-intuitive, seeing as the bulk of the text belabours the fact that HD films are too large for a single normal DVD, but there you have it. The amount of improvement perceivable when watching an HD-DVD film versus conventional DVD film on an HD-TV screen is minimal. At least, that’s what the text said.
I felt so under the weather today I could hardly finish a sentence. And I thought this was funny: {{popup cubab.jpg cubab 653×273}}Cubic Cliche Comix.