Dean drowned out

Yee haw subdued
Babe-olicious prime time reporter Diane Sawyer puts us back on the carpet re: Dean’s post-Iowa fist pumping. The gist: what you see–or in this case, hear– on TV does not necessarily reproduce the real thing in its rightful context. Yay, this is painfully obvious to anyone with half a brain, yet so darn easy to forget.

So here it is again:

tha scream.

Leisuretown is gone

Actually this is not news, but Leisuretown is defunct. And I do miss it so, but


Cold. {{popup 101_0147.JPG 101_0147 640×480}}It’s coming down again.

Hotel Del Mayo

Which tense goes where?
Fun with poetry.

mix them sites

Check this out.
Look familiar?

Mix the content and design from two sites into something really… odd.

at topfx.

Fact Finding Mission

Here`s a little something to do while killing time at the lab.
Find answers to the questions below. Send them to me as an email and I will correct your mistakes!


dogz gone crazy

This is the 200 pound car mechanic rOn again –
I’m asking people’s opinion about dogs in Dresden and more specifically,
“Do dogs belong in bars in the Dresden-Neustadt?”

More thoughts about man’s best animal.rm (693k file) friend.

GPS + Boredom

Yesterday we had two reports given on GPS. Today here are two things to do with your GPS:

Drawing and

Finding confluences.

More Parrotery

Parrots often make for weird disfunctional pets.

These dinosaurous survivors often outlive their masters. They exibit very human emotions, like frustration, affection, jealousy.

And everso often, a few specimen come to the forefront a-showboatin’

Like little N’kisi.

Or, as I mentioned before, the reverend Clancy. Check it out. It’s a real gem.

And just to round it off:Churchill’s ancient bird widow.
