cycling upstream on the Elbe

Ron sez: “This is a fancy travelogue going upstream in beautiful Dresden, Germany.

When I saw Slumdog Millionaire at Mass Brauhaus´s place, suddenly this raging version of Straight To Hell by the Clash came on. It turned out to be a “completely” different song. Not entirely bummed out, I put the medley version to the computer microphone test…

By the way, the video doesn’t have anything to do with the music. I was just listening to this brand newly recorded song while I was filming. So let’s all stop blogging about it, y’hear!”

Ré Ré Percussion Blois

Julie has joined a drum troupe (70 djembes strong, woah) and they are rocking out in a couple weeks at Halle aux Grains.

Ré Ré Percussions Blois


Who the hell would let their children have an unsupervised party at a graveyard? Gahan Wilson’s animated adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s “It Was a Dark and Silly Night”

S’more stills n shtuff

And here be a timelapse of the cafeteria.

Co winki dink

Animator Hans Bacher entry over Easter weekend.  I would have liked to have been aware of this during last weekends trip to Amboise.
loire « One1more2time3’s Weblog

as I mentioned in some earlier post, the idea at disney was to have the BEAUTY AND THE BEAST story take place in the french LOIRE-area. there were some earlier locations like the black forest in southern germany and the neighbouring french alsace, but – maybe because of the french author CHARLES PERRAULT – everybody seemed to be happy with the loire area with its beautiful castles.

I also have a few pictures.


Bg Stills

Some backgrounds for an upcoming one…


It’s Toph’s birthday today, so
Happy Birthday Christopher

Blank storyboard

Print out your own storyboard blank (pdf)!