Fall schedule
Back in Dresden, and isn’t it grand. Looky here what I found in the mail today.
{{popup ws2003.jpg ws2003 456×250}}My WS2003 course schedule for TU-Dresden.
Back in Dresden, and isn’t it grand. Looky here what I found in the mail today.
{{popup ws2003.jpg ws2003 456×250}}My WS2003 course schedule for TU-Dresden.
This here would be my last entry before my flight back to Dresden.
As eager as I have been to get back, time spent here was mostly good, considering. And I don’t look forward to this flight. I leave seven in the morning today and will arrive seven in the morning over there. Particularly bad will be the five hour layover in Chicago. No one is coming to pick me up. Temperatures will be in the low fifties, and I am out of coal.
But on the bright side, I am stoked to try out my new Wal-mart bought MP3 discman on all the great CDs that I scored over here.
Wait’ll they get a load of my new hat.
Flying and traveling in general are a strange phenom. When in a busy international airport, you feel completely engaged in the world, as if you are in complete contact with reality when you see all those folks from foreign lands. But at the same time you are confined to a far-reaching international corridor, the most remote place anywhere on the planet.
Anyhoo, til then.
“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.”
–Sam Adams, born on this day in 1722.
On this day which usually marks the end of Summer we wish this guy and this guy both many returns.
But just to keep it on the sunny side, despite what Graham says, I love egg.
I think I am going to have get Gavin Degraw‘s album the next chance I get, thanks to Criss Cheatham, who played it for me on the ride up to his gig on Saturday.
This tune of his will probably the one that in years to come will remind me of these past few weeks every time I hear it.