blog your blog — the choppin blog.

Moving the blogpage away from greymatter to wordpress seems to be working out pretty good.

One other advantage of it, and actually probably the biggest reason for the change, was that GM had none of that right-clicky contexty menuey support — at least not in firefox.

You would have to go to your actual login page to create a new entry instead of being able to use some quick text editing application that appears at the click of a button.

One such app is Scribefire, a nice addon for firefox. It’s been working out fine until about two or three days ago. Although posting entries still works, it no longer can pull up past entries or my categories. That is why this post goes under “uncategorized”. I wonder how to fix that.

Goodbye Chloe

Chloe, Martin and Olive will be leaving Dresden for London on the “morning” of March 26. There is a farewell party next Thursday. Be sure to see them off if you are in town.

Terence, Chloe, Martin

David, Olive

css tutorializationation

Can’t find a more comprehensive one.

CSS Tutorial

Still no word on the flash embed thing.

(I want to break free)
(I want to break free)
I want to break free from your lies
You’re so self satisfied I don’t need you
I’ve want to break free
God knows, God knows I want to break free

Fun with stylesheets

As much as I hate to admit it, I’ve never really done much in CSS. Until now, that is. Wooohoo, whatdya think? I’ll tell you what I think: it stinks. The picture in the header is cut off on the left, and the video embeds are bleeding over the side of the posts.

What’s more, as far as I know there are no wysiwyg applications for cascading style sheets. Even a powerful website builder like dreamweaver will have you plucking around adjusting code line by line, via trial and error.

And how do you embed flash content into the stylesheet?

I love the hot doggy

Movies – Short Films – I Love Hot Dog –

moomoo here

Rat the of Year

Chinese New Year

Dr House, Gary Numan

Who would have ever though Ron, the shy drummer/accordionist of Dude Dude Chick would make such a great Gary Numan?