Stuffed animal tutorial

yay for stuffies
how to sew your own stuffed animal

I was glad to hear that the lads liked their presents, so to celebrate I thought I’d throw together this little how to guide in photos: a make your own stuffed animal tutorial for the common man.

Stuffies go to Paris

Stuffies go to Paris before flying to South Carolina.

Download the .divx

or just watch online here:

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Below is an email that Mar? wrote. As some of you may know, the Dresden riverside is losing its UNESCO world heritage status due to a new bridge planned.

Gebets- und Wunschfahnen gegen die Hilflosigkeit


Im Moment scheint es, als k?nne man nur noch beim Bau der Br?cke zuschauen und beobachten wie ein nicht wiederherzustellendes St?ck Natur mitten im Herzen Dresdens unwiederbringlich zerst?rt wird.

I just love my new shoes.

Badass Bunny

Badass Bunny

SeeZenImation  --  Illustrations by David Seezen
… and that would take care of my present for little James. I’ve already done one for Jack as well, and I’ll do one for Marshall tomorrow. So I could then ship them off on Monday, but I think I’ll wait a few days until we’re up in Paris. Seeing as I’m not sure the guys will make it in time for Christmas, I’ve got an idea…