France Pics
Off to Paris for a conference this next week. I reuploaded my old pictures from last time in Paris the winter before last. There’s also Deux Sevres and the coast last Summer.
Google speed test
What Did I Miss?
Below are some links of interest that you might not have had the chance to look at this semester. Take a look at some:
Try the Google Speed Test
Homestarrunner’s Peasant Quest
In case missing you happy smile:Engrish dot Com. Always good pleasing.
A good place to start with your Resume Writing
Wordy but good: Watch an episode of Nerd TV — interviews with computer geniuses
A longer Steve Wozniak interview — approx. 30 minutes
Remember that clip with Louis Theroux? Here is one of his documentaries:
Louis Theroux — the Most Hated Family in America
Remember that video about public speaking? Here is the show it is from: MST3K — Mr B Natural
skywalk mp3
…And made available by popular demand,
Rabbit Skywalk MP3.
Right click and “save link as” to download mp3.
PC POOL language lab time again
These dates have been reserved for make up lesson times:
WED June 20: 3rd, 4th DS
THUR June 21: 3rd, 4th, 5th DS
Friday classes are invited to attend two times; all other classes need only attend one.
Class will not be held on the dates between June 22nd to June 28, as I will be in Paris. D’accord?
“Subliminal” Advertising
Darren invites two ad wizards to a meeting to throw together an impromptu ad, and they find they’ve been had. Don’t miss the last 20 seconds or so.
Oh that’s our Drew:
?The problem isn?t that we?re getting stupider,? says Curtis. ?It?s that media?s getting smarter. Now they can track Web usage to determine how much interest a story is receiving. That?s why there is so much more bullshit in the news these days?it turns out that?s what the mass-media consuming public really wants. If 11 percent of readers keep clicking on Anna Nicole Smith, then they?ll say, ?Oh, people want Anna Nicole,? and they?ll keep feeding it to us. Of course, 50 percent of us would like to see hardcore porn, so where does that get you? But if you think about it, the Edward R. Murrow-era was really a historical anomaly. It was yellow journalism in the 1800s, and it?s yellow journalism today.?
Full article hi yaa.
Boppob Babbop
I was glad to hear from Gero that little Matthis (age 18 mo.s) likes his stuffed animal. He’s named him Bobbop.
I need to go visit my friends with children more often, I’ve got way too many stuffies at my place.