Julie’s first film: Rob’s 31st Birfday

Birthday Greetings to Rob MacMillan
a shorte videoe bye Julie Dumonteil
to whiche if honourede the birfhdaye
oure friende Robbe MacMillane
who hath verily return’d
to hif homelande NewSealande
(beyonde whither Dragones be)
whiche if moft amufing.


PC Pool Dates

We’ll be holding class at the PC pool E069 on the following dates:

ENG-INF-L1.1-2 (Wed 3.DS)
02 May 2007 and 23 May 2007

ENG-INF-L2.2-1 (Wed 1.DS)
16 May 2007

ENG-INF-L2.2-2 (Fri 1.DS)
25 May 2007


Louis Theroux — Wrestling pt 4

This is for my L2 guys. Start paying attention at around 4:30. At around 5 minutes they train their public speaking skills. I know it sounds funny, but we can learn a thing or two from this. We’ll discuss that next time.

Scheduling mixup solved

English for Inf class for Frei. 1. DS will continue as planned next Friday. See you there.


Watch videos of talks given at TED — Technology Entertainment Design. Some very bright people with some very good things to say.


My court date was very exciting yesterday. I was quite nervous all morning and I wasn’t even the defendant. He was some young punk kid of about maybe 25, and completely terrified.

My information was at best circumstantial and I must wonder why after 13 months this whole thing came to trial at all. At any rate no one told me that they found my camera, so unless they’ve got some really damning evidence about the guy, it looks like he’ll go free.


Did you see Louis Theroux’s documentary on BBC2 about Fred Phelps’ bunch a coupla weeks back? Neither did I, but it turns out that it doesn’t matter: Here it is.

Pizza Time