blogthing science

Took an 8th grade science test…

Ligne Claire

It’s Ligne Claire appreciation minute. Dig:

Ligne claire (French for "clear line") is a style of drawing pioneered by Herg?, the Belgian creator of Tintin. It is a style of drawing which uses clear strong lines which have the same thickness and importance, rather than being used to emphasize certain objects or be used for shading (for this reason it is sometimes also called the democracy of lines). (from wiki)

If you’ve never inked an illustration, this would sound pretty trivial to you. But consider the swooshing linework in a typical cartoon like Asterix or Batman, and you’d see a striking difference. Moreover, while the former style went out of vogue in the 60’s, it is still deliberately employed nowadays either to create a retro feel, or moreso to underscore a sort of irony where you find scathing satire set on a platter of tongue -in-cheek naivete.

The above link will take you to some fine examples of that; another one that comes to mind is Tom the Dancing Bug’s occasional Billy Dare feature which satires the Tintin/Johnny Quest schtick.

Oh, and speaking of which, link time! Breaking Free, the unauthorized anarchist Tintin graphic novel is available online. If you love Tintin, you’ll probably hate it; if you are a politically-minded type, you’ll either love it or hate it.


It’s Ozzymandias time! Just like P, B, and Jelly; it’s Percy Bysshe Shelley (husband of Frankenstein, y’all). One of my all time favorite poems.

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

I once read that there was an ancient monument to a ruler where a conniving artisan made the plaque out of a perishable clay, concealing a stone engraving of his own name. The top layer survived the ruler, and I guess also the artisan. But within a century it was weathered away leaving only the name of the master.

Will that be the fate of our times as well? Must we settle for the solace that one day long after we are dust that those who pull the strings for our idiot leaders are finally exposed?


Stats tell me that kein Schwein has visited my site in weeks. And why not? It’s beautiful outside! So here’s the dope:

Bohley Calligraphy

I’ve been working a bit on Mari Bohley’s website. I didn’t design it, just updating some things. She is a bookbinder, calligrapher, and proprietor of Blue Child.

I think her work is quite amazing.

In other news, what with the new host, with buttloads more diskspace and unlimited MySql, I installed a new gallery program, into which I am slowly transfering my images.

Back Online and isn’t that great. It’s possible that I’ve not gotten some emails — we’ve changed servers.


The richest woman in the world has announced she will kill two more people. Yipes.

Why am I posting this?

Postcard from Jesse:
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