Made it

Greetings from the United Parking-lots of America.

The flight was smooth enough, except for the fact that they only movie they showed was that crappy one with Queen Latifa and Steve Martin. Nothing against those two personally except that they agreed to do the movie. It degrades humanity on so many different level. And seeing Queen Latifah’s big fat legs over and over was too much.

Flight day

This is my final entry for a while. At least my final entry written from Dresden for two months.

IMPORTANT note for those few students who for one reason or another took a final exam in Mr Schubert’s class instead of in mine, click on “more”.

Flying to Nashville today. I’d love to stick around, but I have a wedding to go to, a newborn nephew to meet, and a 10 year highschool reunion to attend.

The way things go with English teaching, there’s not a lot of takers in the Summer. And while I could try to get with a band and go on tour, as I have done in the past, experience taught me that people don’t care so much for indoor venues in the Summer.

So ’tis off to Nashville. I’ll work in an office with a tie, do some data entry, and hang out with my old college buddies and reminisce about how great it was to be a student. But I digress…

Just so you know, I’ve sent in all test and Vortrag notes. Only one student remains missing as far as Vortrag note, and he’s been notified. But as mentioned above, those who tested with Kay click on more.

Plus toon

Check it out check it out. Here’s my latest Flash cartoon.

Party at my house.

Hey everybody, Claudia and I are having a party. If you are reading this, you are invited.

Click “more” for more.

In case you were wondering about the future of this here section of Seeznet–I know I am–then rest “assured”. I think I will keep updating it with stuff, and continue to write the blog. But since the semester let out, I think I will take it down a notch and post less frequently.

But may be now would be a good time for me to start putting more informative stuff up on the site, as was the original idea yet sort of got sidelined by other stuff. Oops.

So keep posted, seamonkeys.


End of the semester jimmby jammbs! Woo HOO!

bathtowelcigarguy (42k image)

That’s all for this here semester, kiddies. Thank you all, you’ve been a great crowd.

Some of you didn’t seem to understand the system as to how I was to tell you what grade you got. I had my reasons for doing things that way, but who cares. SO, if you did a Vortrag this semester, but for some reason did not learn what you grade was, but would like to, then click on the fuzzy teddy bear button to the left. Send me your name and matrikel no.

And if anyone out there has any question about your “Schein” or why your presentation grade was so low and what to do about it, follow suit. Drop me a line.

Robot soccer doggies revisited

Oh boy! More robots soccer goodness!

listening comp

Whoo-wee. Finally finished writing tomorrow’s test. Bring your listening ears along with your comprehending caps.

On a lighter note, here’s a little funny TV.

This Machine Kills Fascists

Happy Bastille Day, folks.

This machine kills Fascists.

Today is also the birthday of Woody Guthrie, boxcar hoppin’ Okie Dustbowl Bard, hero of the common man and more than a few rockstars to boot. He wrote This Land Was Made For You And Me (originally titled God Blessed America) because he hated Irving Berlin’s God Bless America. I particularly like one of the lesser known verses:

Was a high wall there that tried to stop me
A sign was painted said: Private Property,
But on the back side it didn’t say nothing —
[God blessed America for me.] This land was made for you and me.

Here’s a recent article about Woody, Bob, the Folkies, and the times that are ever a-changin’.

Anyways, on a different note, Guess the Dictator or Sit-Com Character
is a fun little site which guesses the Sitcom character you are thinking of by posing yes-or-no questions… Boole would be so pround. I was impressed. It guessed correctly my character–Rochester, Jack Benny’s cheeky manservant–in about fifteen guesses.
Seeing as most of my students never heard about stuff from the seventies, like Styx or Christopher Cross or Boston, they probable have never heard of the penny pinching Jack Benny of the 40’s. So here’s a tidbit to make you sound in the know: Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy, Elmer Fudd, Porky, Tweety, Captain Caveman, was a regular feature on Jack’s show.

Reading comprehension results

Wanna see the answers to last weeks reading comprehension tests? Click on “more”.

If not, then its more lifters for you, pal.

It’s always a real treat to sit down and grade a hundred tests, particularly when you yourself thought up the questions.
There are lots of little surprises, like, “oh, that question was too hard” or “oh, that question was too easy”, or better still, “ha ha! I knew everyone would get that question right,” or “tricked ya! Not feeling so smart now, are we, Mister know-it-all?” Of course I’m being facetious. But it is indeed surprising what turns out to be too easy and too hard.

Writing good test questions is hard, man. After all, that’s why those standardized tests involve enormous panels of knowlegable stiffs to poke and sniff every single question submitted by the hundreds and hundreds of educators who yearn to write just one time a question good enough to be included in said tests.

Anyways, I thinks I’ll have my L1 kids try them out on monday so as to have one more frame o’ reference before adjusting the curve.


Chilly Willy