Madd Maxx

Rev it up, Wardrivers, it’s open season to look for holes. But I know y’all will all be cool and duly report any security holes posthaste, right? Right?


Yay For Dynamo

Even if you don’t follow soccer at all, anyone walking around the Neustadt today should be well aware that Dynamo won today after a very exciting game. Now, lads in the yellow scarves:

l2 schein

It has come to my attention that several students from WS 2003/4 L2 are missing their “Shein”s.

Elivin Jones Dies

Elvin Jones has gone up to gig in the sky. He was the baddest.

don’t steal

You should’t steal, kids. But if you do, bu sure to wrap it in aluminum foil first.

A Flock of Teeth

Shear, Sheared, Shorn.

We were talking about sheep last week in class. In one of the lessons, I mentioned a verse from the Bible. Here it is, from the Song of Solomon.

4:1 Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks: thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead.

4:2 Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn, which came up from the washing; whereof every one bear twins, and none is barren among them.

A floating case of beer!

Get off your toocasses, Pittsburgh! It’s zombie time.
You know, there are three kinds of zombies: Hollywood zombies, Haitian zombies, and Philosophical zombies. But really, zombies probably don’t exist.
But since we all know that that do indeed exist, you’d better prepare yourself for survival
in an inevitable zombie world.

Class today was indisputably zombified, so the complete makeup time was not fulfilled–yet, but we’ll work it out somehow.

As I waited for that big yellow thirteen to take me home, the sky filled with hot air balloons. One caught my eye, as it did everyone’s. All of Dresden giddily squealed with giggly glee as a prestigious hot air crate of beer crossed overhead. I couldn’t take my eyes off that beer crate, until I heard–in English– “it’s a floating case of beer!” and I looked down to see my esteemed colleague Ron riding by on his bike, grinnin’ and a-wavin’. You just can’t stay mad at that guy.

I would have taken a picture (of the balloon), but my camera was not on hand. But I am sure plenty of other folks with those fancy camera-phones got a shot. I personally saw two or three folks holding their cellphones up to the heavens in direction of the balloon. Then, they turned to the person next to them and said, “see? That’s why it’s useful.”

Useful indeed. Incidentally, Garrison Keillor did a funny little bit on the radio about taking a ride in a balloon. Listen starting at 1:10.

Garrison does a show called A Prarie Home Companion on public radio back home. They just celebrated their 30th aniversary broadcast. Also notable from that show was an appearance of retro country cats BR5-49 (4:10).


What do you know. Google-serĉo en Esperanto.

Presentation Topics

Some students are still looking for ideas for topics for their presentations. I won’t make a list but…

QT wants to do 007

I read a story today on Y’hoo news stating that Tarantino wants to direct a Bond flick, that of Casino Royale.

I am no gamblin’ man, but I would be will to wage my lunch money that this will never come to pass.
