what happened to Cerise?
French private health insurance co Groupama (grooooooupama/ toujour toujour là/ pour moi) has pulled it’s third advertising coup in 3 years.
Just a year ago, they reinvented their brand heroine, Cerise, (fr. Cherry, not a “real” name) from a frantic Amelie-esque thiry-ish girl…
To a graceful blonde in a green polka dot dress. She pops up when you least expect it.
Now it would seem that for the new year, new Cerise.
It’s not hard to see that the newest Cerise has a certain something that the second one lacked, namely, she’s way hotter. But seriously, ladies, do you really want your insurance company sending her to your home when you least expect it? No. I think Doc agrees with me on this one: we liked the second one better.