Dude Dude Chick at Zille 17.02.10

We got a nice write-up in the SAX for our next gig. Click to enlarge, sucka.


How’d the gig go on Saturday, all my friends are asking me. They are asking because they weren’t there despite being invited. Which says exactly how it was: half-empty. Not depressingly empty, but certainly not full enough so that one says, “hooray, what a turnout.”

But we did trot out a few new songs, among them these two covers.
cover song 1
cover song 2


I’ll be taking the night train up to dickes B (oben an der Spree) on the 21st, maybe say hi to T and catch a Mitfahrgelegenheit on the morning of the 22nd into DD. Crashing at big O’s in exchange for watering the crops and keeping Sheldon out.

Bee Street

The article covers a photo exhibit highlighting street art from Dresden and other cities.  Pictured here is a bee based on the ones in the cartoon, posted on Görlitzerstr.

Dr House, Gary Numan

Who would have ever though Ron, the shy drummer/accordionist of Dude Dude Chick would make such a great Gary Numan?