
My new favorite new neat firefox extension?  Firegestures.  Have you tried it?
I was skeptical for a long time, seeing as my lil lappy has enough on his little cpu’s mind as is.  But it doesn’t seem to eat up resources.

Dig: you hold down the right button over a link and pull down.  That opens it in an un active tab.  You can close a tab with right click and a backwards L.  Right click and move to the left goes back.  And bunches of other possibilities, where you so inclined.  But those three there already make it a real time saver.

FIREGESTURES :: Firefox Extension

BD Boum

One of the more endearing things I find about France is that comic books are broadly accepted as a form of art. 

This weekend in Blois there is the 25th annual BD Boum, with all sorts of things happening all around town. 

I don’t think there will be a lot of cosplay going on, though.

bd BOUM – Festival de Bande Dessinée à Blois

We gots the internets

We gots the tubes, we gots the info supahighway, it’s on and we are on it, baby.  Even the Satanic Hot Water Bottle Cover is pleased.

Stay tuned for a new joint on Veesh dot Com

Connaissez vos Chats! ii

Know Your Cats You’ll learn something every time!
Cat Favorite Cat of Favorite Food
Söcki Dumonteil


Julie Tuna can water
Justin Dumonteil

Shere Khan

Nicole (& Vince) Brewer’s yeast
Larsette Dumonteil


Nobody Lizards
Cajou Dumonteil


David Soup

Connaissez vos Chats

Know Your Cats You’ll learn something every time!
Cat Alias Why
Söcki Dumonteil


Söckchen, Söckette, Madame Söcki Means “little socks”, just like her little white paws
Justin Dumonteil

Shere Khan

Justin Sounds like a 10-year-old boy picked the name (which is, in fact, what happened)
Larsette Dumonteil


Originally named Lars Thought she was a tom
Cajou Dumonteil


Originally named Cannelle (cinnamon) Thought he was a girl

This informative table brought to you by the good folks at … When you need info about SeeZenImation, just try — that’s seezenimation dot info.  That’s why we named it

Hack your Flash

The good folks at Trick or Script have released a new freebie plugin, which brought me to think about all the little things one can do to juice up productivity in Flash. (more…)

Those Damn Birds

On the home stretch of her PHD, Julie has completed writing and is now revising and doing the finishing touches. It is a race against the clock, and tensions are high. Sleep cycles are stretched and completely out of sync with the rotation of the earth. Tempers flair, and dishes are washed on a less than daily basis. It’s like living with meth addicts.
Finding time to be good to oneself is very important in days like these. Yesterday, I took her to lunch at the Sushi place on the corner — there are at least four in the neighborhood. Going for a daily walk is also nice, although unlike Frank, we never bring any furniture we find on the street home with us.

And this weekend is the famous Fete de la Musique, which is a veritable orgy of busking and free concerts.

Meanwhile, Julie has enlisted her little mom to help with the proofreading, which has been an ordeal of itself. Although a very literate woman, things like copy and paste, or the fine difference between “save” and “save as” are a complete mystery to her. This is compounded by the fact that she is dealing with a computer with a German language operating system.

Fortunately, there is logmein. Although I had thought about doing it before, I could absolutely kick myself for not finding a solution like it earlier on. You install it on your mother-in-law’s computer with a password, and then you can access and control it remotely via a web browser. Amazing. Totally cool.

Our young birdies don’t come to the flowerbox anymore, although we see them around still. We’ve populated all the pots and boxes with shishkebab skewers to discourage anymore flower box romance taking place, cause Brother, we don’t need the hassle. However, with the warm weather and the windows open all day, we’ve had a damn pigeon fly into the flat three times in the last four days. Not cool. We are getting a cat.

Spec Work Roundup

Spec work, simply put, is speculative work, work for maybe-profits down the road, or just for creds. For example, someone has an idea for a T-shirt. It is expensive to print T-shirts, so we can’t pay you now to make the design. But if well sell lots of shirts we’ll pay you later, plus you will get lots of publicity. How about that?

Trying to make a living doing something creative will have you facing it almost every day, especially if you are just getting started and are just about ready to take any job you can find.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve encountered lots of good reads on the subject, so here are links.

This first one was actually from a discussion thread from a forum for Flash animators.

The funniest / saddest job posting you will see

This next one is a site that is aaaall about it.


Dani of DaniDraws has a thing or two to say about those guys on Pixish. A good little read.

Spec Work and Pixish

Tom gets all spec worked up.

Tom’s MAD Blog

Brad is pissed.
Brad Fitzpatrick

Firefox 3.0 RC — coming along

That Firefox 3 Release Candidate makes me so excited. Woooh hoo! Most of my add-ons are compatible now.
20 top add-ons that are ready for Firefox 3
…And there has been much rejoicing.
9 that ain’t

…boo hoo.
The one that I am missing most? FireFTP is a handy little thing if you have your own website.