Total Info database likes the way you walk

Would-be war criminal’s Total Info database likes the way you walk, mama

Most of the article linked below isn’t news; it covers the TIA database and a few little updates. I linked to it because it has the word petabyte in it. Say it real fast. Petabyte. Petabyte. Knabbergeb?ck.

“The amounts of data that will need to be stored and accessed will be unprecedented, measured in petabytes […a petabyte is a quadrillion — 1,000,000,000,000,000 — bytes].”

story here

Daev’s hand font

mynewfont (9k image)

Not much to report today. I’ve been busy goofing around with Denim, which is a very silly program.
It’s very amusing, but maybe the snazzyness of concept on-paper far outstrips the practical worth in reality.

And I made a crappy font. And I did some translating for my other job–language correspondent for Rammstein–sorta.

forefather (9k image)

White collar slackers

White collar shirkers

Hoax update

Oh wait: it wasn’t a hoax after all.
Why do I bother reading the news at all?

Hoax and Slang

So That fancy toilet I mentioned on Monday in class turns out to be a hoax. I bought it. But to make matters worse, I believed two other widespread hoaxes exposed this week alone. Must be something in the water.

Screw ’em.. Here is a link to an article at about American youth slang. You’ll love it and find it enlightening and amusing, I am sure. Because people are always coming up to me and bugging me about this kind of stuff.


Denim is a downloadable web design program from those crazy kids at UC Berkeley. The twist is that you can design a working website by scribblin’ it together with your tablet. Neato. I’ll have to check it out as soon as I have a free day.


Here is a funny story I heard on Mothers’ day on All things considered. It’s about a woman who inherits her late mother’s pet parrot, and how it’s almost as if Mom never moved on. It’s pretty sweet, but also interesting for linguistic freaks.

Fred `Staire

“The higher up you go, the more mistakes you are allowed. Right at the top, if you make enough of them, it’s considered to be your style.”

Fred Astaire, whose birthday was yesterday.

Diff`rent strokes

Here is a site which would have tickled some of my business-type classes pink. The show is called “How to Bow” and deals with Japanese business manners. At a first glance, it seems kind of satirical, but from what I have learned it the past, it pretty much checks out.

You decide. The cartoons are at any rate rather funny.