Salam Pox
The world’s most widely known and most enigmatic blogger Salam Pax has started blogging again… sorta.
The young cynical lad, who lives in a Baghdad burb, has been an object of speculative fascination months before the invasion of Iraq. Cynical and eloquent, readers and journalists alike were dying to find out if this guy is for real or not.
His blog abruptly broke off in the first few days of the invasion, late March. Last week, he’s started up again.
We sighed a puff of relief. But wait a sec… There’s something fishy here. It occurred to me 1) this guy almost never makes any grammatical or idiomatic errors in his writing. That is weird, because even when one apparently speaks near perfect (second language), writing is a whole different matter. He writes at least as well as I, and much better than many native speakers you and I read on the internet.
2) why the hell is this guy still blogging? He’s literally had millions of readers, coverage in CNN, BBC, etc. He could easily walk up to the first ratty tabloid he sees and sell his story for a cool mil. Bestseller, baby.