end is nigh

Boy was I in a foul mood this morning. I had this creeping fear that the Lab would be double-booked, so I hurried over to a computer to check one last time that my name was on the plan. For some odd reason, the website was not showing anything at all– no calendar or anything.
Well, my fears were groundless, needless to say, but it sure made me uptight.

But having class with my little guys pretty much always picks me up. So I took some pictures of the little buggers today.

A few neato links for the pc-pool.

Dean screams

I don’t care what the stiffs say; I thought it was the coolest thing said all year.
Yee haw.

run Burma run

“When the keepers found her she vocally responded — it was almost a ‘thank goodness you’re here


It’s awfully cold outside. Minus 10 C at the moment. But I had to brave the cold to get a few pretty pictures.

PC Lab and stuff

This week: Classes Mo. 4. DS, Mi. 6. & 7. DS meet in BZW 251.
L2 (Mo. 6. DS) Listening comprehension test.

Passport found.

Yay! Some good samaritan turned in my passport.

Oh, by the way: I lost my passport. Where or when exactly I do not know. It was sometime between the 29th o’ December and the following week, when I noticed it missing.

Some brave soul turned it in to the Einwohneramt. They apparently don’t have my address anymore, which is odd. They should have asked the Finanzamt or the GEZ for that matter. So they called Berlin and asked if they knew my whereabouts. There, the embassy said that I was probably taking a world tour seeing as all one needs to leave the country is a library card… So then Dresden sent my PP to the consulate in Laipzsch, where some brave diplomat looked up my name in the Dresden phonebook and called me.

Belly dancing robot

Belly Dancing Robot. Barf.


It’s high time to put Churchill’s fine feathered dictaphone to pasture.


We’re off topic today.
A site all about Catnip (ger. Katzenminz.)
