Rabbits on Mars!

Axe five or seven

Once again my favouritestest axe to bump and gripe and grind.

B’lieve me, I love this topic.

OK, P2P is "piracy." But so was the birth of Hollywood, radio, cable TV, and (yes) the music industry.

It’s no surprise from over here; I studied this shit in college.

have a wank sez luke

Hey grumpy, have a tater.

Criminal Editing of the Enemy

Anyone who publishes material from a country under a trade embargo is forbidden to reorder paragraphs or sentences, correct syntax or grammar, or replace "inappropriate words," according to several advisory letters from the Treasury Department in recent months.

"A story, a poem, an article on history, archaeology, linguistics, engineering, physics, mathematics, or any other area of knowledge cannot be translated, and even if submitted in English, cannot be edited in the U.S.. This means that the publication of the PEN Anthology of Contemporary Persian Literature that I have been editing for the last three years would constitute aiding and abetting the enemy."

My bitchin’ new old couchbed

Oh boy I just love my bitchin’ new{{popup mybitchinroom.jpg mybitchinroom 850×310}} free couch.

The passion is here and I ain’t going

Da’ek teleyfoon methta’naanaak, pquud. Guudaapaw!
is Aramaic for
Please turn off your mobile phone. It is blasphemous.

Seuss on the loose!

Tuesday would be the 100th birthday of Theo Geisel, aka Dr Seuss. He was the author of many children’s book that were widely read and loved throughout most of the English-speaking world. They are famous for their flippity slip nimble playful use of language.

However, Geisel had several careers before that, one as an editorial cartoonist, and another making propaganda films for the army during and after WWII.
It is perhaps these experiences which influenced him to give many of his children’s books such important morals dealing with the likes of anti-fascism, bigotry, enviromentalism, and civic duty. My favorite was Hop on Pop.
Here is one of said cartoons. I picked this one out because it is the one I find most unsettling and seemingly out-of-step with an otherwise rather liberal Seuss.
Listen to story

Incidentally, for my non-German speaking Readers, Geisel is German for “hostage”.
That reminds me, yesterday I went to the see Das Fliegende Klassenzimmer, the old one from ’54. K?stner plays himself. What a cute little film.

And under other miscellany: a Reuters story about how them old nursury rhymes are actually full of
naughty bits.