
Welcome back folks.

My first classes of the semester have gone about as smoothly as was expected. I still haven’t hung out the promised sign up list mentioned above. I will try to do that Wednesday. In the meantime, anyone still interested in that course should contact me via my form mail (the contact button on the left).

In other news, regarding one particular “grown up” class off campus, I did a little “research” regarding the nature of the “Guerteltier”.

I had no idea what a “belt animal” was in English, so I played a round of 20 questions as to what kind of animal it was supposed to be. Is it a real animal? Yes. Is it warm-blooded? They didn’t know. One student thought that they lay eggs. We established the fact that the animal in question did have a hard shell, but one student insisted that “it’s like a turtle, but with long legs”. My first guess would have been armadillo, but then I wasn’t sure. I could go on, but I’ll spare you the details. Below are some children’s websites that put us in the picture.
So, long story short, it’s an armadillo, a kissing cousing to the anteater and the sloth. That’s good company.


Hey Seamonkeys! Z1!

Any former L2 students who are still interested in taking the Z1 course (you need it to minor in English, pal) should sign up this coming week on the list hanging out at the P-Amt in Gru. We are extending the sign up period another week so you have a chance to not mess up your future plans. Want to minor in English? Don’t be a fool, crackermouth! Sign up for my Z1 course for the 5. DS Mo., Okay? The list will be hanging at the P-amt next week. Don’t bring shame to your family, sign up with no delay!

-head Performance

Wee. Its the first day of the semester. Easter is next weekend. I’ll be seeing you little punks starting next Tuesday. I need to take time out from blogging for the next week, though. Too much to do!

Ape Fool Y’all

As I dredged through story after news story this here Thursday, as I am often doing in idle moments on any given day, I encountered a number of hoaxes and the like–and a number of self-congratulatory commemorative pieces listing the “best of”s for this day, All Fools’ Day, to boot.

April Fools has lost its domain name! Say it ain’t so.
