
AS FAR as I know, Saturday at the BRN came to an end without any of the kind of bullshit that has come up in the last two years what with riot cops and all. There seemed to be a tad fewer people out and about after midnight than I remembered from earlier years, two. I, for one, am glad that they banned glass containers again this year–the ground was peppered with solo cup snowflakes.

Thanks to all who tuned into my show today. It was my first time to do that sort of thing, but looking back, I made several mistakes from which I learned something:


101 years ago today, Leonard Bloom ran a few errands and idly wandered about Dublin.


Scientists list everthing that can go awry
FULLERTON, CA?A worldwide consortium of scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers is nearing the completion of the ambitious, decade-long project of cataloging everything that can go wrong, project leader Dr. Thomas R. Kress announced at a press conference Tuesday.



Last Tuesday there was a really spooky noise coming from the basement of the school building. So I took this “video”.

the Drink

Poem: “The Drink” by Ron Padgett from You Never Know. ? Coffee House Press. Reprinted without permission.

The Drink

I am always interested in the people in films who have just had a drink
thrown in their faces. Sometimes they react with uncontrollable rage, but
sometimes – my favorites – they do not change their expressions at all. Instead
they raise a handkerchief or napkin and calmly dab at the offending liquid,
as the hurler jumps to her feet and storms away. The other people at the table
are understandably uncomfortable. A woman leans over and places her hand
on the sleeve of the man’s jacket and says, “David, you know she didn’t
mean it.” David answers, “Yes,” but in an ambiguous tone – the perfect adult
response. But now the orchestra has resumed its amiable and lively dance
music, and the room is set in motion as before. Out in the parking lot,
however, Elizabeth is setting fire to David’s car. Yes, this is a contemporary

BRN N shit

DDC is playing Friday at the BRN. Friday, 18.00 on the stage in front of Mondpalast, on the corner of Louisenstr and Kamenzerstr. No glass containers, please.

Also, at the same time on Saturday (11 am Nashville time), be sure to tune in to my show on Outaspace. If you’re listening on the internet, you’s gonna need the peercast software, and winamp. Here. Download Peercast here.
And Here should be the link to the radioshow. For those of you in town, keep your eyes peeled for the radio frequency posted on walls in a day or so. I can’t tell you now because I am sworn to pirate secrecy. Arrrr.

Les Paul

Last Wednesday was the 90th birthday of one of the greatest hackers of all time. Les Paul. Listen to the interview.

Lacoma continues

The Lacoma gig was good.

The festival will be going on through Sunday, but I’ve had my fill. I don’t care for camping when it’s so cold outside.

DDC had an okay set.


I was just reading a nice interview with the Brothers Chaps of Homstarrunner and something familiar caught my eye.

I remember around the time we introduced the character Marshy in his own little commercial, we got an e-mail from a kid who was saying how he didnt think it belonged on the site, and it was so out of character with the rest of everything. I thought that was incredible.

That’s funny that he remembered. I wrote that email.

I hate that freakin’ robot.

Attention all Nashvillians and Nashvillains

On Saturday the 18th at 6 pm to 7 pm I’m DJing for Outaspace, the pirate radio station. Yes, you can listen on the internet as well.
Anyhoo, I’ve decided to do a Nashville hour. So all you Nashvegas guys with bands send me an mp3 and I’ll play it if I have time. Boro bands are also welcome to submit. No Clarksville bands, please. Send them to this address:

thingus (2k image)