PC POOL I WS 05 06

Hi folks. Try this stuff:
Phishingtest. I bet you a dollar you won’t get a perfect score.

And here is a test for
commonly confused words.

A little grammar stuff. Do the following:
–Error Correction ex. 3
–Raise or Rise
(scroll down)
–TOEFL Questions
–Test of Grammar & Vocab


Crosswords. Try these ones (I thought they were hard):
–British to American #2
–Words from Other Languages
–Phrases with “Make”

Lastly, just for giggles, visit

`I don't care how little your country is, you got a right to run it like you want to. When the big nations quit meddling then the world will have peace.'

`People talk peace. But men give their life's work to war. It won't stop 'til there is as much brains and scientific study put to aid peace as there is to promote war.'

`You can be killed just as dead in an unjustified war as you can in one protecting your own home.'

Will Rogers, born on this day in 1879.

Fk christenin’

frauenkirche_1 (13k image)

The weekend marked the long awaited christening of the rebuilt Frauenkirche. A marvel of architecture, a great big booby in the sky. It was windy out there so we didn’t loiter.

Gero and Jane are parents. Jane has just given birth to a 50cm little dude named Matti. They had actually been expecting a girl and Jane was adamant on calling her Matilda. Thank God it’s a boy.

Space johnson

Here is a short video clip of a ballerina dancing with a nasa robot prototype. The robot has a special contact-sensensitive that helps move the arm out of the way when in contact with the dancer. It almost amusing because the robot somewhat resembles a… well, you know.