Mark Time
What the Richest Men in the World Don’t Know – The Daily Beast
The best way to learn financial ethics is to study the lives of the nine wealthiest financiers of 1923. A quarter century later, they were all either dead, broke, or in prison.
Wir sind wir
Here’s a number that I hadn’t heard until just last week. Paul van Dyk — Wir Sind Wir
Doc wants to use it in class next week. I don’t care for the lyrics so much, but the video is really remarkable. It chronicles Berlin from war’s end to the reunification with the singer, Peter Heppner, on the scene with a very convincing mix of historical footage and reenactments.
It’s his dream
And a nightmare for others. Everyone is making fun of Damien Jean, the self-produced up-and-coming anti-pop phenom. Beady-eyed, somber, white besocked and limber, and generally dorky looking, Damien does a little number in a half-full club with a lovely undersea wall mural. This video is truly a …video.
What`s the word
Hardly a real hack, but life improving nonetheless. I like using Mozilla Thunderbird very much, but it has been getting to me how often I miss the “get mail” button and hit “write” instead. Then you have to close that new window, click “do not save”, and try again. Finally it occured to me that you can move the buttons around. I added a space between those two, and problem solved.
Minimize to tray is a groovy little add-on for Thunderbird for those of us who like to leave the email client running but hate the cluttered taskbar.
I am looking for a calendar from 1891, because
Old calendars never really go out of date.
On this day
in 1749:The Bottle Hoax of London
Quiz time
The fax machine was patented in
a) 1993
b) 1973
c) 1943
d) 1843
The trick to multiple choice tests is to throw out the ones that are obviously wrong. Ok, check your answer using this article in Wired Magazine.
Vroom vroom sucka
This electric car goes 230mph, has a range of 200 miles.
The 8-wheeled Electric Eliica