Beat me to it

Years ago already, I’d been wanting to do an animation about this story.  In 1970, Doc Ellis of the Pittsburg Pirates pitched a no-hitter while on LSD.
Well, now somebody else did it.
Too bad.  The cartoon I had in mind would have been way more exciting.  But this guy actually got it done.
Doc Ellis’ no-no is an intriguing story, and one that parallels that of a friend of a friend of mine: while on LSD, he was completely unstoppable at a pinball machine.  He was able to shoot the ball and make it come down any way he called it.

F*ck Facebook

I’ve deactivated my Facebook account.  For now, if anyone wants to read about what I am up to, they can come here or even better, subscribe to the rss feed (Google Reader is what I use).  And if any of my friends want to tell me that they mowed the lawn or changed their kid’s diapers, they can do it the old-fashioned way and write me an email.

DDC Rides again

We had a large time last weekend playing Jesse’s party held in an old warehouse of sorts.  Several bands played, among them a feller named Curtis, who played some excellent blues.  We played last.

Doc Brown took some snapshots.  To see the whole set of photos, here


We had a fun time recording a covertune on Saturday. We’re not quite done with this sucker, but it was a blast.

This was Rob’s baby, and seeing as his singing chops are much better than mine, it was really sweet of him to ask me to sing the lead melody. “Do that Kurt Cobain thing you do” were his exact instructions, also somehow flattering.


Saturday was the first time I heard this tune. Since then, I’ve learned and heard a good deal more about Love.

Arthur Lee was a Tennessee boy who had a long hard life. In the 90s, he was sentenced to jail for arms possession, multiplied by a CA three strikes law (in the 80s he had an assault charge and a drug charge). He got out early, due to prosecution misconduct, but by then all the remaining members of Love, including the composer of this song, had died.

He toured in earnest with good reception in the early 2000’s. But the final year of the tour he dropped out, pissing off the band. Unknown to them was the bitter truth that Arthur was dying of leukemia.

Arthur Lee died a few years ago, but the legacy of the music has lived on. This song has been covered by countless artists, The Damned and Calexico to name just two.

Rhinos alone again or

The rhino has busted through the shoddy makeshift fence separating the zoo with the entrance to the adjacent hotel lobby where I worked. It wasn’t very satisfying work but full of stress, endless rides on the elevator and sprawling stairwells. Before the rhinoceros charged through those double doors I managed to summon enough courage to pet him on the head and he became peaceful–we go back, rhino and me, you see.

I was just processing that dream from the night before while walking this evening to the späti for a couple sternis. That’s when I jumped out of my skin.

Just as I approached a few guys sitting on a window ledge at a dark spot on the street, my way was blocked by a huge dog. The thing was he was the color of a Weimarer, that pretty grey coat. In the darkness, he blended in perfectly with the sidewalk until just before his huge muzzle was at my navel. So I was off in another world thinking about angry rhinos when I was snapped into reality with this huge grey dog that seemed to have just appeared out of nowhere.

I didn’t scream from the start, but I did a little spasm, I guess, because the owner said, “hi man, take easy, we’re cool.” The dog took me no mind, because city dogs are pretty mellow. But the guy didn’t get what was really my problem, so even as I was walking on, he kept on saying stuff like “really man, we’re peaceful folk! Relax, bro…”

On the way back, I opted for the other street side; not because of the dog, but because of the owners.

I’m an idiot

It’s been a downhill battle, but I continue on my quest to cleanse the world of mindless babble in the for of the letters “el oh el”.

Recently I installed a profanity filter on my Greasemonkey extension of Firefox. There’s an extensive list of cusswords in a multitude of different (mis)spellings. Profanity doesn’t bother me thought, but “el oh el” does. So I removed them all from the script, and replaced them with “el oh el” and numerous variations (lots of ohs in the middle or lots of oh els). And I set it up so that whenever someone types that, instead all I see is “I’m an idiot”.

And now that is something that makes me laugh out loud.


A fantastic piece of Flash animation those kids made. Besides having a great story, they totally nailed both the usual flash-type animation (the robots) but also note all the sparks, smoke, and dripping tar. That’s all traditional animation. Also note all those clouds of transparent symbols. Subtle and very tasty.

Family Bucket

Last week, an aunt of Ron died of cancer.  She had only been diagnosed some 12 days before dying, and the events left him and his family shaken.

Because of this, he Rob and I spoke at length about what it means to lose a family member, how unprepared one feels to cope with it, and how even long afterwards one can never forget.

Here is us rehearsing Roberts song Calloused Hands, which he wrote for his dad shortly before his death.


Just for good measure, here is another take of Geraldine, the worlds greatest mommy.


And just for  the heck of it, here is me with Robert on drums doing Will the Circle.  Its not how we do it live, but in rehearsal we do all sorts of stuff, most of which you would rather not hear
