I dig it

I’ve been enjoying Cartoon Brews little side blog shrine of Cartoon Modern stills.  It’s great!

More Butter

“Wake up, It’s time to get the butter,” my older brother told me, shaking me in my bed.  It was early, so early that it was still dark out, and now it was time to carry out whatever plan Michael had told me about while we were putting our pajamas on.

“Be quite” he said as I followed him downstairs in the dark. 

He opened the refridgerator door, and handed me two cool sticks of butter from the plastic drawer.  I had never seen such a thing as refridgerated butter in the wrapper before.  It looked like creamy bars of gold. I was two.

We took our booty and hoarded it in Mike’s desk, a little rickety brown think that Mom also used as a little girl.  Speaking of whom, she had now awakened and was explaining to us, with a level of patience that–now come to think of it–was quite admirable, that keeping butter in the desk would attract flies.

For years after, whenever I saw that little desk, I would examine the screwholes on the desktop, left behind from some part of the desk that was removed eons before.  I would I wonder if flies could really fit through them.


“I’ve cried many times at 2 a.m., when the cookies fall apart after all that work,”

Aw, don’t cry, sweetheart. You just need to know that the secret is Butter.


My new favorite new neat firefox extension?  Firegestures.  Have you tried it?
I was skeptical for a long time, seeing as my lil lappy has enough on his little cpu’s mind as is.  But it doesn’t seem to eat up resources.

Dig: you hold down the right button over a link and pull down.  That opens it in an un active tab.  You can close a tab with right click and a backwards L.  Right click and move to the left goes back.  And bunches of other possibilities, where you so inclined.  But those three there already make it a real time saver.

FIREGESTURES :: Firefox Extension

My heart is on my slee-ee-eeve

Dave Cooper and Nick Cross created this video for Danko Jones’ extremely catchy and rockin’ tune King of Magazines.   I dig it!


There is something zen about great logo designs. 
Or perhaps none at all.  I can’t think of any other thing that takes so much thought and effort to produce something so simple and yet so full of message.

And this article is a very interesting read. 
Obama logo ideas that weren’t chosen | Logo Design Love

All sorts of neat things to find with Google book search. Here is an article from Popular Mechanics September 1960 issue about the Hannah Barbera studio.
Popular Mechanics – Google Book Search

Mark Time


I’ll be in Paris till Saturday.

Doctor Slough Episode 2

AT long last, we’ve finished Ep. 2 of the Dr Slough Saga. I think this one is quite an improvement on the first episode. It won the Daily 3rd Place at Newgrounds, making it my 3rd award there.

Watch Episode 2