Here be pirates

Pirates.  I made some pirates for an online game.  I didn’t make the island, but I made the pirates.  Arrrrr.

Brotherhood of Man

Brotherhood of Man 1949 by UPA.


IMGP9920 - Musik bei Julie und David - Panorama

Some pictures of friends and us

I guess some folks might have been looking for the link to Shclub.  I ain’t got it on the sidebar yet!  but the link is here:

Julie and I had a most enjoyable evening out yesterday with Graham’s colleague Terry Vosbein, who is on sabbatical in Paris composing up a storm.

On the way home we took des Velibs.  The best bike I’ve ever ridden.

We had a look at another apartment today, this one just on the other side of the peripherique near the 14th. It had been such lovely weather that we decided to walk a bit afterward. We ended up walking all the way home, which happened to be clean across town.

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The new blog page

I’ve moved the blog over here. I have my reasons:

  • I’m not teaching right now.
  • Greymatter, while a great, free blog application, stopped being updated years ago. It is seriously lacking in what nowadays are considered the most basic features, like text formatting and html coding.
  • It ain’t broken, so fix it.
  • Fun, fun, fun!

So there.  I’ve had the blog up for weeks now, and I haven’t had time to get it styled like I want it.  So I decided to just make the jump now; hopefully this will make me find the time to get the appearance going.  Or not.

Wallbrechs Welcome Caleb

Ian and Beverly’s child is here, and it is a boy.  They have pictures here.

The beat goes on and I’m so wrong

The beat goes on, and I’m so wrong

des gentes
des gentes
des gentes
des gentes
des gentes
des gentes

Is what the guys say on the street corner near Barb?s. Hubcaps. They are selling hubcaps, probably stolen, or otherwise not above board. A lot easier than saying hubcaps. Can you say “hubcaps” 5 times fast?