The Birds Today

Wilbur and Orville have now both taken to wing, the older one already two days ago, the second one just yesterday.

Unfortunately we weren’t witness to their first airborne flaps. Just like the hatching, one minute they seemed to start doing it, and then suddenly a day later they just did it.

Nonetheless, we’re both quite excited and proud of the little ones. It’s odd to be so fascinated by something so mundane. But then again, we don’t get out much.

The Baby Pigeons update

Pigeons reaching adulthood on Flickr – Photo Sharing!

You can see it here: they are nearing adulthood. They resemble the adults in all but size. Still not able to fly, but soon no doubt.

How’s ya boids, Julio?

Those birds are getting big. They appear fully feathered, and resemble the parents in two aspects, the first being a little bit of yellow fluff is visible yet and the second that they won’t fly away.


Howz them birds?

When they first hatched, they were covered in yellow fuzz. A few days later they started to grow quills. Looked pretty gross. Now the feathers are starting to really develop and the little guys look a lot cuddlier.

When the parents land in the box, they both go “peep peep peep!” and struggle violently to drink from the parent’s mouth.

Whenever the little chicks see me, they click their beaks to warn me to keep my distance.

from May 15

May 18


The Egg – a set on Flickr

The Egg — the Video

The Egg — day nine and ten

Did I mention we have pigeon eggs on the window sill? Yeah? Well, they are still there.

April in Paris

Unfortunately, it’s not been the best of Aprils this Paris. There have been some real beauts, but most days were still pretty bleak looking, methinks.

This has put a damper on my April in Paris video that I’ve been working on, or rather, not been working on. Is it too cliche to make an April in Paris video? I think so too.

In other news

I have upgraded the ole browser to the new beta 3. Why not? And now, two issues that have been buggin’ seem to be gone: no more sluggish playback on streaming videos, and Scribefire is working properly again. Yay. Although I don’t think it is necessarily the new version that fixed those problems; I think perhaps it was just thanks to a clean installation.

Other bugs have crept into my life, though: I Premiere Pro has stopped using Flash movs, so I can’t make those nice effects like in the Stuffies video. And also: what the hell is wrong with my gallery?

The Egg — Day five

The pigeon most commonly known as “feral pigeons” is the Rock Pigeon. It is the pigeon that is found in most cities.

Our pigeons are doing just fine today.

Exciting link today:
The Internet Bird Collection

The egg — day four

The situation seems to have settled down.  A bird, or birds, sat on the egg for the majority of the day, and didn’t seem to bothered by people working on the other side of the glass.

What happenened to my theme, you ask?  I upgraded, that’s what.  Hang tight, we’ll have it back someday.

The Egg – day 1

This morning we opened the bedroom window and raised the shutter only to find a small, whitish egg lying in one of the flower boxes.  Was it always there, asked Julie.  No, I said, but whose is it?

We didn’t have to look in the book of birds to find out.  Not too long after, we saw a pidgeon sitting on the egg.  Pidgeons require 18 days to hatch an egg.  Usually there are to eggs, only one egg is a bad sign.  I suppose being too lazy to make a nest is a bad sign too.

What will become of this egg?  I didn’t say it out loud but just between you and me, I think it will never hatch.