Harvey Pekar
IT’s Harvey Pekar Appreciation Day at the Choppin’ Blog.
Harvey is the all-American anti-hero. He is best known for his long-running auto-biographical comic book, American Splendor, which was the basis for the 2003 Cannes award winning film of the same name.
In his comics, he details the mundane minutiae of Our Man, your basic blue-collar nudnik a-workin’ his crappy fileclerk job, scraping together bucks for his jazz LP collection, living off a steady diet of peanut butter and soda.
He doesn’t draw himself; he writes a script and blocks it out in frames with stick figures. The actual illustration has been done by the likes of R. Crumb and many other baddass artists.
Anyhoo, here’s a coupla audio things with Harvey. An interview on On Point (ca.9 min). And a conversation on Wad’ya Know? (at 11 minutes).