Test week I
Oh boy. Just look at it coming down. It’s the first really good snow of the year.
We’re still having the test tomorrow, so dress warmly.
Oh boy. Just look at it coming down. It’s the first really good snow of the year.
We’re still having the test tomorrow, so dress warmly.
Well Joshua Herbert Walker Christ on a pogostick. Apparently, some believe that Spongebob is light in his loafers. It must be nice to have so much time on one’s hands to create such a paranoid delerious reality that one even suspects innocuous cartoon characters are out to bugger them.
update: another story posted where you don’t have to sign in. If you scroll down you can watch the video in question.
update update: I watched video in question–it starts at around 2 minutes–and I don’t think it turned me gay. But I also just noticed that if I just got some new curtains this room would look fabulooous.
Ten years ago, on a cold dark night
Someone was killed, ‘neath the town hall light
Oh confound this slippery dripping wet whipping windful weather.
Bless my bile-brown oven and her blazing red-hot heart of coal.
The blasted sky over this town can’t seem to make his mind up
As if it were raising and wrinkling eyebrows.
Waxing and waning ominous and calmly cool and collected.
Sprouts of obtuse-angle rain and yes, hail.
And I thought last night was lousy weather for making the rounds
To the clubs to hand over the posters
In that cozy copyshop shortly before eight
I unwisely layed that retched tattered wreck of a batwing
Stupid soaking umbrelly on the worktable
Thus endangering entire villages in A4 and A3
Despite the plastic bag.
That was nasty, but brother, today it blows.
Q: What’s the difference between humor and odor?
A: Humor is a shift of wit.
photos of Scruffydog with a mamabear. Just joshing; it’s really a Lil Wee albino black bear.
It’s inauguration time and gosh do those boys know how to indulge themselves.
A look at this week's festivities by the numbers:
$40 million: Cost of Bush inaugural ball festivities, not counting security costs.
$2,000: Amount FDR spent on the inaugural in 1945?about $20,000 in today's dollars.
It gets better…
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