Oh confound this slippery dripping wet whipping windful weather.
Bless my bile-brown oven and her blazing red-hot heart of coal.
The blasted sky over this town can’t seem to make his mind up
As if it were raising and wrinkling eyebrows.
Waxing and waning ominous and calmly cool and collected.
Sprouts of obtuse-angle rain and yes, hail.
And I thought last night was lousy weather for making the rounds
To the clubs to hand over the posters
In that cozy copyshop shortly before eight
I unwisely layed that retched tattered wreck of a batwing
Stupid soaking umbrelly on the worktable
Thus endangering entire villages in A4 and A3
Despite the plastic bag.
That was nasty, but brother, today it blows.