No more mr nice Valentine

Wrapping up Valentine’s Day, and with it the second day of the Dresden Firestorm, Here is how the Washington Post covered it, prefaced by an editorial from Sam Smith, and an entry from the Daily Bleed anarchist almanac.

Just walking down the street over the weekend I happened to several bills posted on walls and lightposts–

Thanks to everyone who helped out with my little FLA problem. I now have a couple of CDs from which I can try stuff. Patrick, please send me an email. I have a question for you but I am afraid I lost your email with the new install…

It`s that time again

this Sunday marks a memorable day here in Dresden. Perhaps ya’ll saw these postcards:

"Lieber eine Bombe auf den Kopf als nach Auschwitz"
(I'd take a bombing raid instead of Auschwitz any day[my translation])


Face About Face

Face About Face at AZ Conni

This evening I saw Face About Face perform at AZ Conni on Rudolf-Leonhardstrasse.

It was an enjoyable evening. All bandmembers are clearly passionate about the music that they make. The music unto itself is very thoughtful, brooding, pensive, and then explosive.
At any rate, they are musically very adept.

What cannot be denied is that Face About Face does what they do very well. They played their asses off tonight, and I am sure no one was left feeling wanting. Rock on, Face About Face! I’ll be sure to catch you guys and girl the next time about time you play about play in Dresden around Dresden.

New box

After a few days of knuckle-biting suspense, I am back on line with my newer setup. I have upped to an Athlon xp 2000, which is not all that fast compared to what is out there now, but still a 300% speedup from my last cpu.
I had to reinstall winders, as I now have a new motherboard, but at least a reformat was not needed. The most confusing thing was that the new system would suddenly freeze up while I was moving the mouse. The mouse would freeze looking half-arrow, half-text symbol every time. It turns out that this is probably the result of a little spat between mouse and graphic card. Knocking the hardware acceleration setting of the graphic card down by one notch seems to have solved that issue.

However, the MS site is bogged down right now, so I am having a hard time getting those important updates. So I am reluctant to fool around with IE and Outlook for the time being. Your emails may go unanswered for a few days until I get the ship up and completely running.


This evening I caught a showing of Andrej Tarkowski’s Solaris.

The germans have a word for works such as his: langatmig, which would mean–at least in the negative sense– slow paced. Or, you could call it meditative.

Nevertheless, it is a beautiful film less interested in kapow and more in the m-hmm.

The last scene made my hair stand on end.

Afterwards, we watched a documentary film about Prohlis, aptly titled the same. Also creepy.


What a crazy gig tonight.


More spongebob

Spongebob developement:

Sea Cucumber Underwear Head

I’d hit it…

Man, I wanna punch that guy in the face. I really like the background design, though. The thing is, though, that “I’d hit it” isn’t hipster slang meaning “I’d eat it” or even “I’m into that” or just “I’m down”. Rather, it’s hipster slang meaning “I’d f*ck it”.

So some ad wizard in some giant marketing firm attempts to co-opt cool jive talking and gets burned. Or, “pwn3d”, one might say.

The graphic won’t take you to mcd’s site, but rather to I-mockery, where those smartassed kids take it up a notch.

Six companies, including Fuji Photo and CMC Magnentics, have formed a consortium to promote HVD technology, which will let consumers conceivably put a terabyte (1TB) of data onto a single optical disc.
A TB-size disc would certainly compress movie collections. The consortium said an HVD disc could hold as much data as 200 standard DVDs and transfer data at over 1 gigabit per second, or 40 times faster than a DVD.

A terrabyte. That’s one thousand gigs.