It`s that time again
this Sunday marks a memorable day here in Dresden. Perhaps ya’ll saw these postcards:
"Lieber eine Bombe auf den Kopf als nach Auschwitz"
(I'd take a bombing raid instead of Auschwitz any day[my translation])
–Quote of a survivor, who as a result of the German systematic destruction of Jews and Jewesses received orders on the 12th of February to report four days later at the Dresdner Zeughaus 3 to be shipped off to Theresienstadt.
The air assault of Dresden on the 13th of February hindered this transport.
This Sunday marks the 60th aniversary of the firestorm of Dresden.
On that day, allied airforces triangulated a bombing pattern starting at Bahnhof Neustadt and headed South-South-East over the oldest part of Dresden spanning as far as the Grosser Garten.
No official body count was ever made, but it is estimated that 130,000 civilians were killed. I’ve personally heard stories from survivors that are so terrible I can’t ever repeat them.
Really, the only thing left is the legacy. And what a deep one that is…