Homemade Noodles
Okay. Here’s how I make home-made noodles.
Okay. Here’s how I make home-made noodles.
The Nazi turnout was pretty lame. I caught this picture of the tail end of the procession, which would be a little more than half the whole bunch. The counterdemonstration turnout was a great deal larger.
Crap, I lost a bet and am up for a heaping helping of crow. Partly, at least.
So tomorrow’s the big day in the Neustadt. The Nazis are gonna go a-marching through my quarter to protest it as being a “hive of leftist terrorism” and other such absolutely absurd claims.
Those lab monkeys at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in New York done smashed a coupla gold nuclei together and may have made a black hole which lasted for “10 million, billion, billionths of a second”.
Let’s see… that’s 10,000,000 …000,000,000,000… 000,000,000,000 ths. That would be ten nonillionths of a second, I think. Or 10 x 100^27 in scientific notation, right?
That might explain why everything sucked so much for a bit just a while ago.
The mornings come sooner.
The days will be longer.
More time to get things chewed.
More time for trekking.
More time for pecking
And checking for left over food.
It would seem that someone swiped Ole Man Winter’s dentures, for today it was absolutely wonderful outside. I tore up the sash and threw up the shutters on all ports.
I am also watching after Rob and Chloe’s pad for a few days while they are in Prague. Those two are a sympathetic couple of organic types whose apartment smells of ground ginger and sandlewood. They wanted me to start up their oven on Friday before they get back. But what with this nice weather I don’t know if it’ll be needed. So I used their shower and ran out into town with no coat and wet hair.
I was sitting in a smoky bar a few weeks ago when I had a conversation with some slick dude. He was one cool customer.
We talked at length about jazz and Star Trek and poetry and beatniks. The subject of Hunter Thompson was touched upon and how he left the world on short notice. Then he told me an interesting little tale.
3.14 …
I recorded another song yesterday. Be Cool. Honestly, the mix sucks and still needs work. But I am otherwise happy with how the tune turned out. This was the first of a string of numbers that Ron and I came up with on a truly collaborative path. So that said, I am tweaked over this song. Still, it needs fixin’ so I haven’t linked it up on the DDC site yet. But you monkeys can have a listen if you were so inclined to do as such.