Tektonik Apreciation hour
tIt’s a dance craze that infected French kids about a year or so ago. It has a little bounce to it, but it’s the flashy rubberband-like arm movements that give its distinct appeal. 70’s disco Soul Train, 80’s breakdancing. Poofy hightops, tight jeans. Mullets. This is Tektonik (cue music). This first video is performed by the dance troupe Mondotek. The manifesto, you might say.
Mondotek – Alive envoyé par mondotek
This second video, a fan-inspired thing to a remix of a Yelle tune. We’ve had her on before. Remember that music video I posted last fall with two cross dressers that spoofed girl pop acts, except only one of them was actually a man? Right. The other one was Yelle.
Here’s some kids gettin’ down.
Here is a two minute news clip from last summer. Right there in front of the Pompidou Center.