ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive: Coraline Mystery Box Roundup
Coraline opens in theaters today, so it’s time to do a roundup of all the known Coraline Mystery Boxes. Click through to discover amazing treasures. “The braver you are, the more you’ll see.”
Already quite a few months back, the creators of the film Coraline sent out a slew of mystery boxes to various “blogs”. Each box was unique and contained neat swag for the film. Altogether a very nice, personal touch.
Above is a complete list of said boxes.
This considered, it is rather puzzling that (from what I’ve read) people all about were quite nonplussed by the Coraline “Visual Companion”, the accompanying artbook to the film. By all accounts, it appears to be quite shoddy, put together by yahoos, and otherwise shitty.