Yo hablo Pablo
Pablo Picasso was the shizznit. Born on this day long time back, he pretty much did for modern art what Miles Davis did for Jazz. I would like to do a little tribute, but I don’t have time for that. Instead, {{popup shutthefckup.jpg shutthefckup 473×584}}here is a sketch meant for one of those in-flight magazine articles. They didn’t buy it.
I have the theory that the distortions of the face in his cubist work probably stems from the fact that he was–I heard–a ladies’ man. Because when you are very close to an object, like five inches from your face, you stop focusing you eyes on a single point and let them look independently. Thus you have two overlapping images.
Cubism is after all a very logical progression from the blurry, hazy images of impressionism. I totally dig both schools. I’ve been trying very hard to get more cubism into my Flash stuff. One project on the back burner (I must have like fifty back there) is a cubist Eval Kneival film. I need to check that spelling.