What the frick is fracking
In 9th grade science class, Coach Pauly once did a demonstration where he took a beakerfull of tap water from one of the lab taps and lit the surface on fire. He claimed it had something to do with the content of the water in Brentwood and also that the tap hadn’t been used in several weeks. Knowing that he was also known to do a few “scientific” tricks in the past that were clearly just parlor tricks found in any beginner’s book of magic (breaking a pencil with a folded dollar bill — secret: extend index finger secretly when coming down on pencil with bill) I was somewhat skeptical. Nonetheless it didn’t stop me from trying the trick out on four or five unused taps around the house and elsewhere. Later I decided that he simply did what I had first suspected: he poured a trace amount of a clear, flammable, petroleum-based liquid into the beaker before filling it with the water. The fuel would have simply risen to the top.
Whether the case may be or not so for Brentwood (I think not), it turns out that flammable tapwater sometimes does exist.