Pete Buffett interviewed by some Turkish guy
I wonder if there is a single US American of any political point of view who doesn’t adore Warren Buffett.
A brilliant investor, capitalist, richest man in the world, a man of modest living, a philanthropist, a non-materialist, a father and husband. Such are the beautiful, intuitively contradictive descriptions of a man one would expect only to exist between two hard covers.
This mind reels to find the fitting hyperbolic pseudo-juvenile hipster title for the man: Buddha Capitalist Jesus Ninja Pretty-kitty Ben Franklin Warren “Buba Fett” Buffett? One name you can’t hang on him is “pimp daddy”; sucka’s beyond bling. That guy is so good with the Benjamins that he doesn’t give a damn about the Benjamins.
Anyhoo, Cenk interviewed his son Peter on TYT recently. No bombshell revelations here, but still an interview that I most enjoyed watching (the first half was a bit difficult because I hate hearing a grown-ass-man inflecting his declarative statements as questions. Nonetheless, a great interview.)