Matt, Trey, Trolls, and big wastes of time
You’ve probably heard about the recent controversy about last week’s South Park episode. Mohamed in a bear suit, then a death threat.
A Seattle cartooness, Molly Norris then got some attention with a panel of inanimate objects saying that they were Mohammed. Some people ran with it, and encourage everyone to “Draw Mohammed” on a particular day. Many got on board. There’s a fansite on Facebook. YouTube’s Thunderf00t, a lefty secularist of whom I am a big fan, indirectly got on board with a recent anti-islam screed.
The whole affair gave me a knot in my stomach. To borrow from the racist’s handbook, I’ve known way too many Muslims to know this is right. Was that chainletter one of my bigoted relatives sent me right, though? Because I’m a non-religious leftist, I spit on Christianity but give Islam a free pass? No. I am critical of any religion wherever criticism is due. As for offensiveness, I don’t try to offend anyone. But if there were one religion I would utter offensive words about, it would be Christianity; not for any other reason than that was where I was raised and that’s the one I really know anything about.
Still there is a difference between criticism and offensiveness. I’m not interested in “equal opportunity” offensiveness, but rather “equal opportunity” critical thinking.
I’m comforted at least to learn that there are others out there who do share my viewpoint. Molly Norris herself quickly came out to say she wanted nothing to do with the “Everyone Draw Mohammed Day” that she unwittingly inspired. And also offering a far more articulate argument than mine is this young cartoonist.
On another note, here’s something I just learned about recently. Islam extremism, known as Wahhabism, is essentially a modern phenomenon. That caught on around the time when Eisenhower added “under God” so as to differ ourselves from the Godless indoctrination of the Commies with yet more indoctrination.