My Neighbors are Dicks
Yesterday night, some neighbors of mine (I don’t know them by name) had a little grillout in the courtyard and generally had a good time. Being right across from my ground floor room, they were a tad loud. Since it was a cool night though, I didn’t mind closing my windows, and then it was completely quiet.
The next day this was posted on the front door. My flat also got one in our mailbox, although we had nothing to do with it.
This screed is so condescending and arrogant, I now have to side with the drunken idiots from last night! It reminds me once again as how many people in this country seem to have a pride in their lack of diplomacy. And it will most certainly backfire: whoever was responsible for last night will feel so insulted that next time they will make it a point to be loud and obnoxious, and they’ll most likely get away with it, too.