Those guys at AP are a might tech savvy. Read about that new-biggest-prime-number-guy righthere. Find the mistake?
Shafer ran a Dell Dimension PC with 2 gigahertz of memory and an Intel Pentium 4 microprocessor _ 'like you'd get at Circuit City' _ in his office for 19 days until Nov. 17, when he glanced at the screen at 2:30 p.m. and saw 'New Mersenne prime found.' The number is 6,320,430 digits long and would need 1,400 to 1,500 pages to write out
Little Wee Diaries — Day ta-hooo.
Wee seemed a bit friskier today, after I let her tramp about the living room all day. She hopped about in circles and ran into things occassionally, like the leg of a cymbal stand. Her favorite routine was to do laps around the coal bucket. And she crapped a lot.
Rabbits have two kinds of poop. The first kind is hard and dry and resembles minature coco puffs. The other kind is dark and moist and odoriffic. The rabbit eats the latter, as it is good for them.
But after administering her eye drop she got pretty cranky and screwed up her head extra cocked. Later she chilled out a bit.
There is a name to what Wee has, but I forget how to spell it. Starts with a T. Torticullis… right. It is not uncommon for rabbits, has many causes, and in many cases never goes away. Fortunately, Wee’s symtoms are not the most extreme. But if she were a wild animal, she would already be toast.
Wee doesn’t care for her cage. She seems disoriented and looks up at the ceiling in a very interesting James Dean sort of manner.