Day four

They caught the guy.

Little Wee Diary day four

Today Wee is mad at me. She isn’t afraid of me; she just hates being picked up. When I let her out she runs back behind the cage. I left the room for a while and when I came back she was in the middle of the room. The let out a wee little grunt and scurried back behind the cage.
She was furious when it was time to get back in the cage and the squealed and twisted like crazy.

She’s getting harder to catch, even though she can’t make running right turns. She has to stop and hop to the right then procede.

One Response to “Day four”

  1. Wee's mom

    YAY! This is completely normal Wee behavior. She must feel at home! She isn’t mad, she’s just being her wee little self.